martes, 21 de abril de 2015

C.R.A. Santa Bárbara

The school "C.R.A. Sta. Bárbara" has got 46 students in all the C.R.A. There are four schools: Santa Marina, La Granja, San Andrés and Torre del Bierzo.

In Santa Marina, San Andrés and La Granja there are two classrooms, a material room, a multiple uses room, bathrooms and a playground.

In Torre there are ten classrooms, a gym, a dining room and a kitchen, a head teacher’s office, a library, material room, a staff room, a computers room, a laboratory, ten bathrooms, and a playground.

All the C.R.A. has a teacher or more in each class. In this school there are right know eight teachers and a cook: Manuel, Susana, Carlos ( the headmaster), Alejandra, Omaira, Secundino, Ana, Esther and Carmen ( the cook ).

By: Adriana, Miguel and Ainhoa.

Torre del Bierzo

Torre del Bierzo is in León, Spain. It´s a beautiful village. There, you can find two parks, one is called “El parque del minero”. There are five cafés. There´s a sport center and a field. Torre del Bierzo is a mining village. There were three mining enterprises, but nowadays it´s only one working. 

In 1944 there was an accident called “Tunel 20”. Two trains crushed and many people died. 

A few weeks ago, there was an accident in a mine. There were three people injured and one dead. 

 By: Ayante, Ángela and Nerea.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015


Ponferrada is the Capital City of the region of El Bierzo. There is an important castle and a shopping center. There are museums, cinemas and many more things . It is next to Bembibre and Las Médulas. When it´s Christmas, the Christmas lights light up the city, and the shops are decorated with Santa Claus´s toys. The most important monuments of the city are the Temple Castle, the Clock Tower and the Ponferrada´s Main Square. The most visited places are the Rosal Shopping Center, the Radio Museum and the Bergidum Theater. The city has a football soccer team called Ponferradina and a football soccer stadium, "El Toralín". 

by Sofía, Inés and Berna